S. Ahmad Firuzabadi *, Hossein Raghfar**, Hiva Ahmadi***


In the last decade, border trade in the Baneh has had different consequences which has been unprecedented in the history of this city. The purpose of the present research is to understand the meaning system of individuals and their interpretation of value development in Baneh. The grounded theory approach has been used to achieve the research objectives. The information was collected using a deep interview technique. Through purposive sampling, two different groups of people, namely, marketers and educators, were selected. The three main coding stages were implemented separately for both groups, reaching to 18 categories. These categories include: historical poverty and difficulty of subsistence, improvement of the lives of marketers, the high efficiency of economic participation, the weakness of the industry sector, the inefficiency of agriculture and horticulture, the prosperity of the market and the border trade, the devaluation of high education, economic activism, marketization, leaving formal education, the dominance of money, comfort-seeking, autonomy, the value of material identity, material dignity, low quality of education and its frustration, and the degradation of the status of clergies and teachers. The aforementioned categories were formulated in the paradigmatic model/ grounded theory of perceived value developments.


Key Words: Hegemony, Value Transformations - Market - Baneh - Boundary Zone – Shoy rural district



*.Associate Professor, Department of Social development Studies, University of Tehran; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

**.Professor, Department of Economy, Alzahra University; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

** *.M. A. in Social Development, Department of Social Development Studies, University of Tehran; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.