The Islamic Iran: Founder of New Subject and Paradigm in Sociology and Human Sciences
Alireza Shojaeizand

The term 'Islamic Iran' has been used here in a specific sense in that it can provide a founding ground in terms of subject for sociology, and a new epistemology for the human sciences. The development of subject matter concerns areas such as sociology of revolution, sociology of religion, sociology of development, political sociology, and social pathology accompanied by its issues. The development of a fresh epistemology in the human sciences refers to a solution vis-à-vis the question of knowledgeimpartiality, a position which it will strive to adopt and maintain. In this regard such epistemology will attempt to overcome the dominating paradigm in such a way that such position will not be constrained in the same trappings and unintended consequences. The development of a fresh epistemology in the human sciences, given different objectives it assigns to the acquisition of knowledge, will utilize implicit orientations latent in the 'repository of ideas' that Muslim communities possess.
Keywords: The Islamic Iran, Subject, Paradigm, Impartiality, Epistemological Realism.