Call for Proposals for Panels

The 4th National Conference on Theoretical and Conceptual Reflections on Iranian Society will be held simultaneously with the Board Election of the “IRSA” on 12-13 June 2019.

The theme of the conference is the problematic of social integration versus social conflict in Iranian social development Just like any other society in the world, the Iranian society requires social integration to survive. At the same time there are different types of conflicts in the society which have the potential to lead to destructive social gaps. On the other hand, the traditional schemes of integration seem unable to reinforce social solidarity anymore; they even may cause the conflicts lead to more severe social gaps.

It’s a crucial theoretical and practical problematic for us to understand and manage our social conflicts. The conference is intended to provide an academic platform for discourses as well as research findings related to the topics of the main concern.

The main topics include theorizing and conceptualizing sociological items as follows:

-The bases of social integration in Iranian society

-The weakening elements of social integration in Iran

-The role of different social institutions and functions as family, education, religion, economy, politics, media, etc. in strengthening or weakening social integration.

-The bases of social conflicts and oppositions in Iranian society

-The adaptive and non-adaptive identities in Iranian society

-Institutional conflicts and the problem of development in Iran

-Social conflict and social integration and their influences on development

-The theorization and conceptualization problematic to understand social problems of Iran

Within the framework of the above-mentioned themes, following topics for panels and papers will be welcomed:

Generation gap, Lifestyle, law and Morality, corruption and inefficiency, ethnic identities, migration, poverty and unemployment, various social inequalities and discriminations (gender, religious, ethnic, political, etc.), crime and delinquency, and other related topics.

It’s been for the first time in IRSA conferences that all social science scholars including members of related faculties have the opportunity to organize their own panels. All scholars who are interested in organizing a panel shall send their panel abstracts( proposals) to the following electronic mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Deadline for panel proposals: January the 5th , 2019

Deadline for papers: February the 22nd , 2019

For any question and more information, please call Somayeh Momeni (09196332022) on Sundays and Wednesdays .


 Dr. Mohamad Javad Zahedi,                
Scientific Secretary of the Conference