Islamic Feminism and Theoretical Challenges Asiatic Muslim Countries

N. Mohammadi & A.M. Hazeri

This article studied the factors which distort the Islamic feminism in Asiatic Muslim countries. In order to examine the research hypotheses, we analyzed the data from Pew Research Center and the United Nations report using secondary analysis method. The findings revealed that the two important obstacles of Islamic feminism are: 1- internalization of the patriarchal values and strengthening the static jurisprudence which turns women into a passive political subject; 2- west colonialism and domination of secular feminism which prevents it from becoming independent. In this situation, it is necessary to strengthen the hermeneutic feminism which is based on the feminine and local interaction. The research findings also showed that the gender gap increases in society, the political and civil freedom of women will increase. Plus, when the jurisprudence about women's issue is static or society is dominated by secular feminism, the interaction with Islamic feminism in society will increase. In some Asiatic Islamic countries, the static jurisprudence and in the others the colonialism are the important factors of distortion. Therefore, if the Islamic feminism as an emancipation ideology, wants to play a key role in recognizing Muslim women's rights, it should overcome these two major obstacles.
Keyconcepts: Islamic Feminism, Postcolonial feminism, secular feminism, patriarchal system, hermeneutic feminism.