**Y. Froroutan*, M. Shojaee


The increasing trend of female labor force participation and women’s employment has been identified as one of the most significant characteristics of contemporary societies, which reflect the revolution in gender roles. Historically and globally, a positive attitude towards women’s employment has played a crucial role in a substantial increase in female labor force participation. Accordingly, this study aims to examine the patterns and determinants associated with attitudes towards women’s employment. The research sample includes 5200 males and females aged 15 years old and over residing in the selected urban and rural areas of Iran. Generally speaking, the results of this analysis indicate that although the importance and priority of women’s employment remain behind education and marriage for women, the majority of the respondents have positive attitudes towards women’s employment. However, this general pattern is significantly affected by religiosity and demographic determinants such as age, gender, rural-urban places of residence, marital status, and education.

KeyConcepts: women’s employment, social attitude, gender roles, religiosity, Iran.



* .Associate Professor of Demograghy, Mazandaran University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

** .PhD in Sociology , Mazandaran University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .