Theoretical Sociology RC

Sociological Theories on Unequal Groups

Panel Members:

Time & Date: Sun. Feb. 2:  17-15

Venue: Iranian Sociological Association Conference Room, Faculty of Social Science, Tehran University, Al-e - Ahmad Highway, Tehran


Sociology of family RC

Book Review Session: Motherly Emotions

In Presence of  the translator

Reviewer: Seifollah  Seifollahi

Time & Date : Mon. Feb3.:17 19-

Venue:  Iranian Sociological Association Conference Room, Faculty of Social Science, Tehran University, Al-e - Ahmad Highway, Tehran


Sociology of Knowledge RC

Sociology of Iran RC

“Cultural Human Being” and” Iranian Subject “, as represented by “Mohammad Ali Moradi” Phenomenon: Session No. 4


Esmail  Khalili

Time & Date: Mon. Feb 3:17-15

Venue: Iranian Sociological Association Conference Room, Faculty of Social Science, Tehran University, Al-e - Ahmad Highway, Tehran